Pete Stamp Clip 2 : Bombs in Nailsea

Feb 17, 2012, 11:41 AM

My name is Pete Stamp, and I can remember my dad going up on – because it had a flat roof – my dad going up on the roof at night with a brush and sweeping the incendiary bombs off the roof. I can remember coming out of Moorefield’s House one morning to go to school, and in the cottage just outside Moorefield’s, hanging in the bushes was incendiary bombs and the air-raid warden making us cross over the road so that we wouldn’t be near these incendiary bombs, and they were actually hanging in the Ivy that was climbing over the front of the house, they were hanging in there, obviously they hadn’t gone off. I don’t know if it would be of interest but – of course you would know that several bombs fell in Nailsea, one fell at the top of Moorefield’s Lane which is now Fossway and Hutchings used to live in a – we called it a shed but it was one of these prefab. houses, and the bomb landed at the back of their house, of course they weren’t such big bombs then and all the soot came down, they were all in the lounge, cause that was the strongest part of the house, and all the soot came down the chimney and they came out black, and there was another bomb fell down just off of what we call Black Alley which is now Southfield Road, and in the field there was a bomb crater and one day my brother was obviously older and was working for a farmer called Cecil Gregory, and Cecil told us to go down and chain harrow the field, with horses mind, not tractors, with a horse, and my brother turned to me and said “In the bomb crater over there, there is a ball, go and see.” I went over to have a look in the bomb crater and I went back to my brother and said it’s not a ball it’s a man and this man was stood upright like that, and all that was above the water was his bald head, and – I don’t know what the name of the man was, but he lived up at Summer House I know, and I know that Mr Gamblin was then the undertaker and he came and took him away in his car and the Police Officer was Mr Gench.