Episode #258: ‘Angel’ 5×03 and 5×04 – Carrot Cutting Noises

Apr 06, 2018, 03:45 PM

Join ReWatchable as we discuss Angel 5x03, "Unleashed," and Angel 5x04 "Hellbound." Werewolves without Oz? What's the point?

Superfan: Caitlin and Karen
Newbies: Brittany and Mitch

Fun Facts:
Brittany is not available to podcast for a few weeks, but that means she can watch so much Angel!! Mitch finally finished AHS: Roanoke and was not thrilled. He's going to soldier on through Cult. Caitlin is still pumped about baseball, but also had an Angel dream where he mentioned his hair!

Angel season 5, episode 3, “Unleashed”:
-Ok, wait. Where is Oz?
-There are some moments that make it worth while
-But also, why?
-Isolation thematically ties these stories together -- kind of
-What about Angel's choice at the end of the episode?
-Does this fit in with the Wolfram and Hart mentality?
-What about the Buffy finale?
-So, this episode wasn't bad? No, it was.
-Wes and Fred *heavy sigh*
-Jasmine is gone and that's that
-How can we make this worse?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Angel season 5, episode 4, “Hellbound”:
-Horror story tropes are abound!
-Spike's disappearances are getting worse
-Wolfram and Hart should be seriously haunted, right?
-Did we love or hate the villain?
-What else is going on in Wolfram and Hart?
-Human beings suck as much as monsters (sometimes)
-Spike and Angel and a Couch. A new series coming this fall.
-Deconstructing Angel.
-Does our happy ending rely on the writers' room? Doesn't it always?
-Spike is figuring out his own way back to reality
-Let's not pair up Fred just yet
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-Buffy the movie... no.
-Willow is... alive!

Brittany's Brainstorms/Brittany's Brainstorms:
-Angel season 5, episode 5, "Life of the Party"
-Angel season 5, episode 6, "The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco"

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