Oct 11, 2017, 05:02 AM

Are you prepared for a home disaster?? Well neither are these idiots so let’s figure it out together! In the very first REVERSE Jammerz, Wendi (@wendibird82) breaks down the week long saga of life without a functioning bathroom and desperately needs advice (and emotional support) from her fellow Jammerz. Megan (@handsomepartybutt) also regales us with a completely fabricated fairytale about a beautiful, brunch-serving princess that worked for an evil emperor who forced his people to wash dishes in toilet water and Stephen (@thepenta) recounts his experience living in aftermath of hurricane Sandy. This episode is chocked full of hot disaster survival tips like how to make chlorine gas, staying friendly with your neighborhood fuck buddies AND making sure your insurance covers molasses floods!! PLUS, will they be able to find an actual lawyer to give a shit or will the trio be forced to hire an extra from Law & Order to figure out if Wendi’s landlord is actually a slumlord OR just trying to seduce her? Are there even grounds for legal prosecution if your lease agreement is nothing more than a tattered pirate flag?!? Plunge head first into this episode and find out the answers to these and even MORE disturbing questions. ****++++++++*++++++++**** JAMALAMZ, OUR HIT SINGLE QUINOA AND ALL THAT HOT SHIT: JAMMERZPOD.COM Instagram & Twitter: @jammerzpod E-mail: jammerzpod@gmail.com This week's end of episode jam is NYC's own Yucky Duster: "Duster's Lament"