Touch It (w/ Massage Therapist: Michele Sinacore)

Jul 12, 2017, 06:06 AM

In what is for sure the most action-packed Jammerz to date, the trio digs into proper massage technique with licenced massage therapist MICHELE SINACORE(@vitabymichele)! She sets up her table and the crew gets rubbin’ and tuggin’… on her BRAIN for information, you dirty birds. She demystifies ‘Day Spa’ culture by breaking down the different massage styles, how to behave when you’re receiving a massage and proper tipping etiquette. Megan (@handsomepartybutt) and Stephen (@thepenta) have flashbacks to disturbing childhood memories and Wendi (@wendibird82) uses her big girl words in attempt to impress and coax Michelle into saying a dirty word. PLUS Stephen finally faces his intimacy-of-touch issues when the girls bully him into massaging a SECRET SPECIAL GUEST. Will he actually give the massage or will he chicken out? Can Megan and Wendi trick their guest into talking about boners? Most importantly, can the trio pull of a listenable show with 5 people on 3 mics?!? Are you in NYC? Book Michele for a massage therapy session! or on Instagram: @vitabymichele Or just try to relax to the soothing sound of more JAMMERZ: @jammerzpod The end of episode jam is "Contact" by Froth out now on Wichita Records