Episode #261: ‘Angel’ 5×09 and 5×10 – My Cookie Is Warm for You

Apr 24, 2018, 06:39 AM

Join ReWatchable as we discuss a very harmonious Angel 5x09, "Harm's Way," and welcome a new hero (?) in Angel 5x10 "Soul Purpose."

Superfan: Caitlin and Natalie
Newbies: Mitch and Brittany

Fun Facts:
Mitch went to a thrift store to VHS shop, as you do, and he found the ENTIRE Gilmore Girls DVD box set for $6. SIX. DOLL. HAIRS. Lettuce talk about... lettuce? Brittany is loving the lettuce puns to result from an E. coli outbreak. Natalie rode a horse and knows a lot about riding styles and is apparently living Jurassic Park. Caitlin is working through some bad foot pain (sad).

Angel season 5, episode 9, “Harm's Way”:
-MUSICAL Synopsis
-Would you bring your business to Wolfram & Hart?
-Who would have thought we would have this Harmony episode this many years later?
-Do you think the pancakes go to see Cordelia?
-Do we think Angel has the parasite on him in this episode?
-"I don't have a soul, so I have to try extra hard"
-Fred and Harmony -- love it or hate it?
-There's a Harmony and Angel arc connection that makes our heads explode
-Harmony turns out to be a hero... with chopsticks
-And then there is Spike not going to Buffy for plot reasons
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Angel season 5, episode 10, “Soul Purpose”:
-Fun fact: David Boreanaz directed this episode AND had a torn ACL!
-Rat Amy reference, of course
-Lindsay and his hand are back, but acting like Doyle. Rude.
-Does Lindsay look like Lindsay to Spike?
-*ow, my head, a vision!*
-What is actually going on with Eve and Lindsay?
-Eve is that girl from that thing?
-Couldn't they just kill Angel?
-Angel is trying to figure out what the "good fight" is
-Spike and Angel's past is a huge factor in their present
-Is Spike just innately better?
-Angel's hallucinations are so extra
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-Where is Oz?!
-Five by Five is a radio code from the '50s but sure Buffy too!

Brittany's Brainstorms/Mitch's Musings:
-Angel season 5, episode 11, "Damage"
-Angel season 5, episode 12, "You're Welcome"

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