Episode 53

Season 1, Episode 53,   Sep 26, 2018, 11:00 PM

Episode 53

Nancy Mueller

1998 marked the year Nancy Mueller started her work, empowering women. Her business began when she started W.A.V.E. (Women Against Violent Encounters) teaching Self-Defense classes to women. As Nancy watched the women incorporate the empowerment aspect of each class into their lives, relationships and the workplace, her work organically transitioned to the coach, bestselling author and speaker she is today.

Nancy believes that once a woman understands this process, she can apply this knowledge to let go of the negative mind chatter that can sabotage a women’s self-esteem, self-image, self-worth, self-confidence and self-love.

She shares why it is possible that when a woman is ready to let go of her negative mind chatter and remove fear-based beliefs, all her relationships can prosper.

Listen to learn why life is perfect exactly the way it is and our story matters. That our experiences that have gotten you to this point in our lives does not define us. It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you DO with what happens to you.

To work with Nancy visit www.MasteringYourBeliefs.com and schedule a 30-minute conversation on her calendar. She promises you that after 30 minutes, you will have a new understanding of “SELF” (self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, self-love and self-image).