Plato's Forms in the "Parmenides" (Part Two)
We get down to the specific questions considered in this perplexing Platonic dialogue: Are there Forms for all adjectives? Does the Form of a property itself have that property? (Is the Form Large itself large?) How do Forms connect with particulars? How can we mortals have any connection to heavenly Forms anyway? Why even think there are Forms outside of particulars?
Listen to part one first or get the full, ad-free Citizen Edition; your Citizenship will also get you access to the follow-up episode to be released this week where Mark and Seth hash through the second half of the dialogue.
End song: "Young and Lovely" by Jherek Bischoff, feat. Zac Pennington & Soko. Listen to Jherek interviewed on Nakedly Examined Music #65.
#philosophy #plato #dialogue #truth #ontology #metaphysics #ideas #forms #monism
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