The Reset Rebel meets Vegan Cafe and Wildbeets owner Cliff Grubin

Episode 31,   Oct 16, 2018, 11:01 AM

In todays episode we head to Santa Gertrudis to meet Wild Beets Cafe founder, Cliff Grubin.

The New Yorker famously started the very first juice bar on the island in Benirras called Sejuiced more then 13 years ago and was way ahead of the trend to bring Vegan food to the menus of Ibiza. 

Cliff came to the island as a traveller and party boy before "crashing and burning" big time. Through Recovery he completely changed his life, fell in Love and decided to put roots down for the first time after many years on the road and stay here to pour his passion into his healthy food and juice projects.

He is now flourishing and resetting the path of many who walk through his cafe doors, with his iPurify cleanses and Vegan plates and creating a ethos that leans away from plastics and processed foods.

Join us today as we hear his story to settle here on the island and re-create his path and entire lifestyle.