Handsome Party Cunt

Episode 83,   Nov 14, 2018, 09:00 AM

Thanks to the inherent creepiness of men, the Jammerz holiday spookiness continues! Megan (@handsomepartybutt) gets harassed by an aggressive old dude at a bar, Wendi (@wendibird82) gets trolled through her phone and Stephen (@thepenta) attempts an apology on behalf of all men. The girls give tips for the best personal weaponry, how to effectively complimenting a stalker PLUS, they get a surprise fiesta break in the middle of this after-school special of an episode.

If you want to force this crew to shout you out on the show, answer your questions, or play out your own very specific performance-art masterwork get your very own JAMALAMZ at jammerzpod.com

Megan Rice
Instagram: @handsomepartybutt
BAKED GOODS! @mistersbakeshop

Wendi Starling
Twitter: @wendistarling
Instagram: @wendibird82

come see this bitch LIVE:
Saturday, December 1st at 730pm
Zinc Bar, NYC
Get tix: glamourpuss36.brownpapertickets.com

PRICELESS: Stories From The Underbelly ~~~> patreon.com/wendistarling
submit your stories at: pricelesstails@gmail.com

Stephen Penta
Twitter: @thepenta
Instagram: @thepenta