Double Fluffed Cunts

Episode 90,   Jan 09, 2019, 09:00 AM

The Jammerz prove that time is an illusion in the SECOND New Year’s jamsesh of 2019! Megan (@handsomepartybutt) recovers from the stomach flu and staying in a haunted hotel room, Stephen (@thepenta) spills the details of his backwoods holiday, and Wendi (@wendibird82) unfolds the romantic tale of being assaulted by her one true love. PLUS, tips on shame eating, camping with kids, and creating the perfect outfit to wear when reporting your local sexual predator!

If you want to force this crew to shout you out on the show, answer your questions, or play out your own very specific performance-art masterwork get your very own JAMALAMZ at

Megan Rice
Instagram: @handsomepartybutt
BAKED GOODS! @mistersbakeshop
‘ShOuT yOuR AbOrTiOn!’ get your copy here ~~~>

Wendi Starling
Twitter: @wendistarling
Instagram: @wendibird82
PRICELESS: Stories From The Underbelly ~~~>
submit your stories at:

Stephen Penta
Twitter: @thepenta
Instagram: @thepenta

This weeks' end of episode Jam is, of course, "Moon River" as sung by Carla Bruni. Find all the Jammerz music features on our Spotify playlist:

Jammerz official theme music is by our talented friends at