Finding Your Way Back to the Earth Through Shamanism

Jan 25, 2019, 12:00 PM

When people are at a crossroads in their life and are looking for healing they will often seek out the help of a shaman. Shamans are all about connecting to the Earth and energy healing. My guest today is Julie Hannon. Julie began her career in HR, but always felt called to the Earth. After leaving her high-stress job, she went back to her roots and rediscovered shamanism.

Julie is the founder of Inner Peace & Wellness where she facilitates joy and wellness in the lives of those she works with. Julie also has a master’s degree in psychology, over 20 years experience as a human resources director, she is HeartMath certified, she has 20 years of yoga experience and has completed yoga teacher training, and she is also a teacher at the Light Body School for energy medicine & shamanism. She is here today to share her journey and story with us.

Show Notes

  • [02:43] Julie worked in HR at a biotech company and helped the company grow from 140 employees to 2,500 employees until they restructured down to 1200.
  • [03:02] She loved her work, but didn't love not being able to see her two young children more often.
  • [03:19] Julie decided to take a leap of faith and take some time off. During this time someone gave her a book about shamanism.
  • [03:27] Reading the book changed everything for her. She had studied some Shamanism in the past. Her call to be connected to the Earth was a lifelong calling.
  • [05:51] A shaman dances with their feet in both worlds. The world of energy and the world of matter.
  • [06:35] A shaman is someone who can shift their state of consciousness at will for the purpose of healing and accessing information.
  • [07:21] In quantum physics we are mostly energy and .00001 percent matter. We spend all of our time thinking that matter is what matters.
  • [07:48] The shaman works with the other percent and helps us pay attention to the energy and change our frequency so that we can have joy.
  • [09:09] We should upgrade our energy body as often or more often than we upgrade the operating system on our phones.
  • [09:58] Ways to upgrade your energy include meditating and being in nature. Along with, yoga and being still.
  • [10:44] We can update our frequency by connecting to the Earth. You can do grounding exercises by taking your shoes off and standing outside on the grass.
  • [11:31] People who've tried other things and our looking for their purpose and happiness try Shamanism.
  • [12:05] It's about the body, mind, and soul. The third place of perception is the soul level. Outside of that is the energetic.
  • [13:27] Her focus is really about helping people rediscover their own connection to the Earth and living their best life and giving them the tools to do that.
  • [14:46] How do you clear your energetics in in order to see new possibilities? Anything is possible.
  • [15:27] Imagination is the largest nation on Earth and when you join into that place anything is possible.
  • [16:16] Julie never imagined traveling the world and teaching Shamanism, but it changed her world.
  • [17:16] If we release our suffering, we have joy. If we let go of our attachments, we have possibility.
  • [18:09] Things that would prevent people from Shamanism could be their logical mind.
  • [18:42] The left brain is about logic, and the right brain is about possibilities.
  • [20:11] Being in nature you can grow the connections between your left and your right brain.
  • [23:33] One of Julie's biggest challenges is she doesn't like to sit in front of the computer.
  • [23:59] Julie is an extrovert, and she finds entrepreneurship somewhat lonely.
  • [24:27] It's really important for her to participate with groups that brainstorm and finding community.
  • [26:23] Failure is an opportunity for learning.
  • [27:26] Success is a place of having people show up to classes. It's getting up and making moves forward.
  • [29:19] It is possible to tap into that energy. Have you ever had a few moments when everything was connected? The idea is to clear the pathway, so we have these more often.
  • [31:05] Julie had a lot of exposure teaching. Now she is partnering with other people and having local ceremonies in the Boston area.
  • [32:26] She is growing a business brand and uses social media for this.
  • [33:40] Social media is about making connections and finding people. The best relationships are in the physical world with people in person.
  • [37:21] Julie uses music online and InsightTimer which is a meditation app.
  • [38:18] It has access to a lot of amazing teachers and free meditations.
  • [40:06] Julie feels news can deplete your energy.
  • [41:42] Breathe in and out of your heart. Take a breath and really find what's in the way of breathing out of your heart.
  • [42:32] Be present with your breath.

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