Out Now Commentary: The Matrix (1999)

Mar 23, 2019, 03:30 AM


This month’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe commentary track wants to show you the truth, so it’s time to choose the red pill. In honor of its 20th anniversary, Aaron was joined by Brandon Peters and Scott Mendelson to discuss The Matrix. Jumping right in, the group goes over what made this Wachowskis feature stand out in such a bold way, how it revolutionized action cinema, what this cast and style add, and more. Listen in, as the group has plenty of fun going over this very cool sci-fi/action flick, and why it works so well, why Morpheus’ glasses rock, and other fun tangents. So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…

#TheMatrix #Commentary #Podcast #Wachowskis #KeanuReeves #LaurenceFishburne #CarrieAnneMoss #JoePantoliano #ScienceFiction #WhatIsTheMatrix #HugoWeaving #Neo #AgentSmith #OutNow #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #BulletTime #Movie #Film #Entertainment