Bob Hermon - Music plugger

Episode 20,   Apr 09, 2019, 06:48 PM


In the Midlands – and beyond, a welcome from every music radio station has been extended for decades to Bob Hermon, a record plugger with an enviable reputation - and a mantelpiece full of much-deserved awards. 

Bob moved quietly into the music industry as commercial radio began, moving the ranks in a fast-changing world at CBS and Sony, before rolling as an independent more recently. He is well-known as both servant and true friend to the music and radio industries for his knowledge, understanding, honesty and efficiency. In this edition of #Radiomoments ‘Conversations’, Bob tells of the radio industry he’s witnessed through the years and relates tales of artists he’s helped deliver to BBC and commercial stations for over forty changing years.

In his own words, this is the Bob Hermon story.