This is Public: Waterfront
Season 1, Episode 1, May 13, 2019, 04:10 AM
The first episode of This is Public documents Open House Melbourne’s special Waterfront program for Melbourne Design Week 2019.
Open House took a deep dive into the role design could play in reframing our relationship with water, with a special focus on urban waterways and Birrarung (the Yarra River). All of the guests interviewed on the podcast participated in the Waterfront program.
This is Public: Waterfront Interviews include:
- (2:35) Dr Melissa Neave from RMIT University and Andrew Kelly, the Yarra Riverkeeper, explore the flow on effects of past urban design decisions, current challenges and possible futures for the river;
- (20:22) Paul Thomas from Rail Projects Victoria explains how the Metro Tunnel project navigates complex tunneling under the Yarra; and
- (30:25) Michael O’Neill from Yarra Swim Co and Andre Bonnice from WOWOWA Architecture share how the Yarra Pools proposal encourages connection and contact with the river.