NEM#98: Phil Judd Entertains Himself

May 17, 2019, 09:36 PM

Phil founded New Zealand's Split Enz with Tim Finn in 1972, recorded a seminal punk single with Suburban Reptiles, had an Australian #1 hit with The Swingers, then moved to solo and soundtrack work until 2006, since which he's recorded five thickly textured solo albums including extensive one-man-band work.

We discuss the title track from Flightless Bird (2019), "Kite Flying Day" from Play It Strange (2014), and "Lamplight" by Schnell Fenster from The Sound of Trees (1988). We conclude by listening to "No One's Best Man" from Novelty Act (2016). Intro/outro: "Sweet Dreams" by Split Enz from Second Thoughts (1976).

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