Dithering at a Spring Conference: Green Party Conference, Green New Deal, MEP Gina Dowding

Season 1,   Jun 10, 2019, 08:12 PM

Green Party Conference, Brexit, Green New Deal, MEP Gina Dowding

Dithering on the Edge of Europe reports back from the Spring Conference of the Green Party of England and Wales, held in lovely (mostly) sunny Scarborough. Rich and Carola cover how much Brexit featured (or not), they joined in the celebrations of green waves, green surges, and green MEPs, and they have a good tip for campaigning against library closures. They report back from a panel discussing the Green New Deal and relish the fact that the Greens new tax and fiscal policy was passed to ensure climate justice. They met their newly elected Green MEP for the North West, inspiring Gina Dowding, who joined in to chat about various Ditherers and whether we are drifting off, being pushed or rather like a giant Titanic to be turned around.

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