NEM#93: Peter Aaron Lives in the Blues-Punk Moment

Mar 09, 2019, 02:39 PM

Peter started in hardcore punk and used the blues to add depth for his band the Chrome Cranks, which released four studio albums and a live album in the mid-1990s then another in 2012. Since then he's been a music journalist and author, writing about the Ramones, the Band, and others, with occasional musical projects.

We discuss his new single "Bomb Train Blues" (2018) with the band Young Skulls, Chrome Cranks tracks "Dark Room" from Chrome Cranks (1994), and "Rubber Rat" from Ain’t No Lies in Blood (2012). We conclude by listening to "Purge 4" from Purges by Peter Aaron and Brian Chase (2016). Intro/outro: "Hot Blonde Cocktail" by the Chrome Cranks from Love in Exile (1997). For more, see

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