Coder - Suze Shardlow
Season 1, Episode 41, Jun 26, 2019, 06:00 AM
This week I'm joined by Coder, Suze Shardlow.
Suze was fascinated by programming from a young age - citing 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' as an inspiration. Ferris' character, played by Matthew Broderick, hacks into the school computer system to change the number of days he has skived.
Suze was fascinated by programming from a young age - citing 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' as an inspiration. Ferris' character, played by Matthew Broderick, hacks into the school computer system to change the number of days he has skived.
Suze was encouraged at primary school to explore computing but by the time she reached secondary school, with little access and no encouragement, the option to pursue it evaporated. Whilst her interest in coding never waned, she left school going on to achieve a BA in Business Studies and a postgraduate diploma in Marketing.
Working for the London Metropolitan Police in a Senior Leadership role, she had a very successful and fulfilling career, but with coding in her blood, she took the opportunity to retrain when her role with the Met was made redundant.
She has produced some awesome work, coding her way to connect the shy and introverted pre-events with 'Ice Breaker'. A programme that allows you to connect with others attending events via Meetup. She also has created 'Borro' which allows users to share household items.
Suze is also a crafter, with a love for sewing, making anything from bunting to a pair of trousers. She discusses why craft and coding are connected and her passion for getting involved and providing solutions.
You can find more about Suze and her work here:
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