The Other Team

Episode 9,   Jul 17, 2019, 10:00 AM


Mysterious guests have a history with one of our heroes. Will he go to bat for the other team, or will he stay loyal to the Banshee crew?

Mysterious guests have a history with one of our heroes.  Will he go to bat for the other team, or will he stay loyal to the Banshee crew?
TENDRIL: The Banshee Chronicles is written by Kaitlyn Radel and Ryan Borses.  TENDRIL is created by Kaitlyn Radel, Ryan Borses, Taylor Finneran, and Bryan Finneran.  The theme song is written by Bryan Finneran, and all additional music is written by Ryan Borses.  

  • Ryan Borses as The Narrator and Durmis.
  • Kaitlyn Radel as Switch.
  • Eric Meo as Cade Floodry and 2B2.
  • Ta’ron Middleton as Kronist Loknu.
  • Joelle Bird as Megula.
  • Monique Borses as Llorona.
  • And
  • Christian Ines as Ravi.

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