Exploring The Prodigal Son (Fragment)

Episode 86,   Jul 22, 2019, 10:47 AM

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An exploration of his mostly lost play, The Prodigal Son

Exploring: The Prodigal Son (Pater, Filius et Uxor) - A Fragment (printed c.1530)
From our Exploring workshop, where we read through the text of this fragmentary play for future use towards an audio/stage show. The Prodigal Son survives as 84 lines of text, showing a wife threatening her husband with being made a cuckold, a son failing to sell wood, and a comic servant character making his entrance. Introduced by host Robert Crighton.
The Beyond Shakespeare Irregulars this episode are Liz Cole as Uxor, Richard Fawcett as Pater, Mark Scanlon as Filius, and your host Robert Crighton, reading the part of the servant.
You can follow the text via this link - your thoughts and comments are welcome. https://archive.org/details/collections01malouoft/page/n41

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