The Reset Rebel meets island wellness expert Delia De Miguel

Episode 59,   Jul 25, 2019, 10:37 AM

This week Jo Youle heads to Ibiza Agroturismo Atzaro in Santa Eulalia to meet the founder of Ibiza Es wellness Delia De Miguel to uncover the changing wellness scene of the island. 

Ibiza boasts such a diverse range of holistic activity and so many incredible therapists and practitioners.  

Through Ibiza Es Wellness, you can discover a whole range of retreats and hotspots for wellness on the island and learn about the ways to create your retreat or wellness business legally.

With an over saturation of the market in ibiza for retreats - in this chat - you can find the full lowdown on where to set up your business, what kind of licenses you need and how to find the right support through the established networks that already exist here.    

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