We Bought a Zoo

Aug 06, 2019, 01:00 PM

In order to get their minds off of a brutal attack by the ptera-people, Cody suggests a peculiar movie to watch in order to distract the team from their imminent doom.

Well, we all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later...the ptera-people have begun their assault on Apocalypse Video! Trapped, and with structural shielding collapsing, it is all up to Cody Eastlick to come up with a movie suggestion to get everyone's mind off of their imminent doom.

Something uplifting and positive - something with Matt Damon, perhaps...

Listen as we breakdown the numerous family-comedy tropes contained in Cameron Crowe's We Bought a Zoo, including excessive happiness and an emo kid; we wonder if this movie would have been better with Fred Savage; and finally, we ask the all important question..."why not"?

In lieu of sending help to save us from this brutal ptera attack, you can subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts, Follow us on Twitter, rate us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or Like us on Facebook! (Your likes and ratings fuel us with hope that we may actually survive this onslaught.)

We'll be back next week (assuming we're still alive...) with an all new episode. This is David Snider from Sector 2, signing off...