Connecticut Today with Paul Pacelli: Bourbon, Athletic Cups, Philly Shooting, and Transgender High School Athletes…Trust us, it all worked

Episode 126,   Aug 15, 2019, 10:22 PM

Paul kicks off the show giving his thoughts about the police-involved shooting in Philadelphia on Wednesday. 

Then, Paul talks about Aaron’s love of a good bourbon and how important it is to wear athletic cups when playing. 

Christiana Holcomb, of the Alliance of Defending Freedom, joins the program to discuss the ongoing lawsuit of a Glastonbury girls’ track runner, who said it is unfair to compete against student-athletes transgendering from male to female. 

And finally, Jennifer C. Braceras, of the Independent Women’s Forum, dives into the controversy involving Big Pharma and opioids.


Philly Shooting: (0:39 – 10:11)

Bourbon and Cups: (10:12 – 21:31)

Christiana Holcomb: (21:32 – 30:11)

Jennifer C. Braceras: (30:12 – 42:47)

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