Daniel Pinchbeck, September 22, 2019 - Psychedelics, Conservation, UFOs and shifting views

Sep 22, 2019, 07:48 PM

Between Now and ...

The interview was booked for Daniel Pinchbeck and Sophia Rokhlin's book, When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance. Sophia couldn't make it - Daniel took the call.

Curiosity about Ayahuasca is being driven on multiple fronts - and the book serves to educate and instruct.  Book link: Sophia's Website.

There is one unexpected highlight in the interview. Daniel is shifting *focus. Featured in this essay on Medium, an introduction/tease. The topic: UFOs. (Psychedelics don't open this Pandora's Box.)

"....the issue of UFOs and the alien presence is steadily moving from the outer edge or periphery of public awareness toward the center. I would like to explore why this is happening and what it means. I will also consider what we could and perhaps should do, individually and collectively, in response." - Daniel Pinchbeck. Source: Medium

*The Occult Control System: UFOs, aliens, other dimensions, and future timelines.
On Amazon at $6.66