Roy DeMeo (Part 2)

Season 3, Episode 4,   Nov 06, 2019, 09:00 AM

Three investigators try to put together the murder of Andrei Katz with the car thievery that the DeMeo crew has been doing for years without notice. And once the cops are on the case, it spells trouble for DeMeo. With rats running rampant and family members turning informant, even DeMeo's earning power can't save him.

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Mafia's theme is "Spellbound Hell" by Damiano Baldoni. Music in this episode is “Life” and ”Misery" by Damiano Baldoni; “Unification on Multiplicity” by Ad Serpentae; “Backed Vibes Clean,” “Unanswered Questions,” “Night on the Docks” and “I Knew a Guy” by Kevin MacLeod; “Imminence,” “Dark Alleys,” and “River” by  Kai Engel; and “Lucerna” and “Book of Mirrors,” by Sergey Cheremisinov.

Sound Effects from by kfosse13, willybilly1984, theshaggyfreak, Leoctiurs, EllaryPastabra, Dynamicell, kernschall, wertstahl, and InspectorJ. Additional sound effects from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.