027. How to use Branding to Make an Impact

Episode 27,   Apr 23, 2019, 06:00 AM

Nick Entwistle is the founder of creative advertising agency, Bank of Creativity and One Minute Briefs, a user-generated social content community. In 2015, he created the #LoveYourNHS campaign and music video that beat Justin Bieber to Christmas number one, just a few months after he suffered a heart attack at just 26 years old.

In this podcast, Nick explains how the campaign snowballed beyond all expectations after starting with a One Minute Brief. He also gives lots of advice for getting creative to help make your brand stand out in a growing, noisy space.

Your brand is your most valuable asset whether that’s a personal brand, a company brand, or both. It’s how your customers, employees and the wider world perceive your organisation, and when done well your brand can create an emotional connection that lasts a lifetime. However, is it possible to create a brand that makes an impact on a startup budget?

Nick Entwistle is the founder of creative advertising agency, Bank of Creativity and One Minute Briefs, a user-generated social content community. In 2015, he created the #LoveYourNHS campaign and music video that beat Justin Bieber to Christmas number one, just a few months after he suffered a heart attack at just 26 years old.

In this podcast, Nick explains how the campaign snowballed beyond all expectations after starting with a One Minute Brief. He also gives lots of advice for getting creative to help make your brand stand out in a growing, noisy space.

Some of the key takeaways from this podcast:

- How branding can impact peoples’ perceptions of you and your company
- The importance of creating emotion in creative content
- Why you shouldn’t be afraid to do something different to engage your audience
- How you can challenge yourself to get creative
- The importance of brand consistency

Host: Patricia Keating
Guests: Nick Entwistle, founder Bank of Creativity www.bankofcreativity.co.uk/
Listening Time: 57 mins
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