Out Now 386: Ford v Ferrari

Nov 20, 2019, 07:39 AM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a race to the finish. Aaron and Abe are joined by Alan Aguilera and Kenny Miles to discuss Ford v Ferrari, a biopic looking at a key point in the lives of Carroll Shelby and Ken Miles. Learn all about what the word is on this James Mangold-directed feature, and whether or not it’s time to buckle up and ride with this film. Among the topics covered, there’s a fun round of Know Everybody (6:06), Out Now Quickies™ (8:53), Trailer Talk for The Way Back (25:24), the main review (31:37), Games (1:11:26), and Out Now Feedback (1:22:26). The gang then wraps things up (1:35:39), followed by this week's closeout song and a nice stinger at the end (1:46:58). So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill...

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