Feminist Lingerie with Hayat Rachi

Season 1, Episode 9,   Dec 03, 2019, 01:00 PM

This week I spoke to Hayat Rachi, Founder of the feminist lingerie company, Neon Moon. In 2014 Hayat was fired from her city job to for not agreeing to wear high heels....sheesh, the 50s called, they want their HR policies back! This then set her on a path to create her own company. She speaks to Florence about how she did it, how it went viral and why being disruptive is the best way forward. 

Take a look at Neon Moon 

Find out more about Hayat on her LinkedIn and Instagram

Our inspirational woman this week was Vilanelle from Killing Eve which is available on iPlayer

To find out more about Florence, visit her website, Twitter or Instagram

Producer: Sarah Bishop
Additional Production: BAVANANDAN