Rebecca McGowan: The rising star of British Taekwondo

Dec 08, 2019, 06:00 PM

Will Moulton presents this SportSpiel feature interview with rising British Taekwondo star Rebecca McGowan.

There has been a consistent stream of talent coming through the ranks of the sport in the UK - names such as Jade Jones, Bianca Walkden and Lutalo Muhammad are just three of them. 

But one person who is well on her way to making a name for herself is the Scottish-born teenager Rebecca. 

In this episode the up-and-coming talent tells us all about her journey through the sport and what it is like to train and compete against some of the very best talent there is out there.

She also talks about the role she can play in dispelling the myth that women are not suited to combat sports.


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Image credits: With thanks to Rebecca McGowan and British Taekwondo

Music: Otis McDonald