Dentist From Hell | Crazy Office Stories

Episode 15,   Feb 04, 2020, 10:00 AM

What do you do when the dentist that you work for, is quite literally the dentist from hell? We’ve all had bad bosses, but this one may take the cake! Its an adventure in non-sterile equipment, health violations, you name it! The dentist from hell, today on office horror stories!

What do you do when the dentist that you work for, is quite literally the dentist from hell? We’ve all had bad bosses, but this one may take the cake! Its an adventure in non-sterile equipment, health violations, you name it! The dentist from hell, today on office horror stories! 

Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about: “He would also use the same capsule of Novocain from one patient to the next until they were empty. For the layman, a capsule is a little tube with the Novocain in it, that you would put into the metal holder, with a needle attached. Once you inject a patient using a capsule, there is a little spillback of saliva into the tube, and it is common to find blood in the half-used container.

Between this and the not sterilizing the instruments, is where the HIV comes into play. In honesty, I do not know if he was spreading any diseases that way, but the potential there is HUGE.

He would bring a big bag of raw vegetables in for his lunch every day, which he kept in the spare operatory. He would grab food out of that bag with gloved hands, and then return to work on the patient, back and forth, without changing gloves. He would go to the bathroom with gloves on and come out of the bathroom and return to working on the patient with the same gloves!”

If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB. 

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