Strange New Worlds - Part Three: Mysteries Abound

Season 2, Episode 3,   Dec 11, 2019, 11:53 PM

As Dumas, Dora, Hud and Beltrov come to terms with so many unexpected deaths, can they figure out what the hell is going on?

As the party reel in the aftermath of a(nother) violent encounter, mysteries abound! WHAT was the mysterious signal over the comms-channel? WHO is this strange be-tentacled newcomer? HOW tall are Dwarvern ventilation shafts? And WHEN will the flammable properties of space hay cease to amaze? Find the answers, and continue the adventure as our misfits brave the shocking home comforts of Dwarven mines and commuter transportation... in the next episode of Espersito!

Welcome to our Esper Genesis podcast, telling the brand spanking new story of an unlikely group of galactic nobodies caught up in something far bigger than they expected. Listen as their tale unfolds and they find new and exciting ways of making the games master despair. This truly is D&D in spaaaaaaaaaaace.
Think science fiction. Expect to find; Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Firefly, Rick and Morty and Red Dwarf. Esper Genesis is a science fiction TTRPG compatible with Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
Credits: Jon Coleman (GM), Aaron Madray (Colm ‘Hudd’ Hudnarajan), Mike Cole (Aldora the Explorer), Tom Owen (Filli Xuxan-fel), Tom Kirk (Dumas Corriban)