WCH Web exclusive - Coronavirus RESET - Metaphysics for shut-ins - UFO, Paranormal, Skinwalker, PSI for challenging times...

Mar 18, 2020, 05:40 PM

Coronavirus 'shelter in place' - PSI challenge = time to thrive. Focus: see the invisible, achieve the impossible.

Down the rabbit hole. Coronavirus in no uncertain terms hi-jacks our present and threatens our future. Forced to face immediate lifestyle disruption, we do have control over our attitude, our perspective and our focus.

Time out is a chance to upgrade self-awareness. Manifest attitude re-set. When George Knapp interviewed Carlos Santana, he offered a quote that fits. 'Only those who see the invisible can achieve the impossible.'  

My focus is metaphysics. Connect, Upgrade, Expand PSI abilities and awareness. Share and compare stories related to consciousness and paranormal. This episode includes info on Skinwalker Ranch and other headline oddities.

The unforeseen quirk to our new reality = learning what it means to: Shelter in Place