Web Exclusive, Coronavirus - Jiulio Consiglio - The Healing Frequency, Metaphysics and the Inner Voice.

Mar 20, 2020, 07:31 PM

This is that "shift" you've been hearing about for the last decade - in living color. While few (if any) of us were prepared for a crisis on this scale - from a spirit standpoint - we are ready. Trust. And bring your A game.

Just 24 hours ago, we spoke. 24 hours ago, California was not on lockdown. The actual term is "Shelter in place" - Buzzfeed.

I had not yet completed my requirements to be set up to work from home. But the process had begun and I was trying to figure out which part of my home set up needed my immediate attention. Computer, Internet connection, Audio set up. Space to work without pets barking and/or running across the keyboard.

This situation is fluid (Numbers are changing daily.) Jiulio (The Healing Frequency) and I talk cues and clues we have from our own inner guidance to navigate this current scenario of rapid change in our daily routine.

Priority - checking the info stream to make sure you are aligned with credible resources. Double check link, resource, your gut.

You are the ultimate determiner of what action you take. These are challenging times = requiring skills and mindsets that establish an entirely new framework for the foundation.

This is that "shift" you've been hearing about for the last decade - in living color. While few (if any) of us were prepared for a crisis on this scale - from a spirit standpoint - we are ready. Bring your awareness and your higher knowing to the equation. Change is in progress. New to our daily terminology: Shelter in place. CNN.

Reach out for Jiulio - on twitter and on his site.

Forecast in progress - Wendy's Coffeehouse/Conscious Living blog. (Channeled in Dec 2018. - I asked for insight to the year ahead. I was given a much larger pocket of time suggesting we are in for a decade of shifting.). 

Sound healing - 528 Hz - The Miracle Tone - The Love Frequency - DNA Repair Frequency - This special solfeggio frequency is known for its great positive healing effects on body, mind and the environment around us. Plug in. YouTube Meditative Mind.