How to Setup and Manage a Remote Workforce | HaneyBiz Daily Webinar Series

Mar 19, 2020, 09:00 PM

It is becoming very difficult for small businesses to operate with more and more counties and cities moving towards shelter in place. Especially if we don’t have our team prepared to work remotely.

Luckily our friends at Executech have a solution they want to share with you. They will be sharing how to setup and manage a remote workforce. They will talk about the tech, tools, people, and security necessary in order to implement a remote workforce in very little time. 

The stay at home measures that are being put into place don’t have to be a reason for your business to stop. Our friends and trusted partners are here to help you get back up and running during these times of uncertainty.
With almost universal business disruption on hand, what actions can and should entrepreneurs and small business be taking? You don't have to figure this out alone.

On behalf of HaneyBiz, I would like to invite you to a daily webinar series featuring experts from our community who will provide actionable guidance on everything from applying for emergency loans to getting tech set up for remote workers to HR policies.

We will be going live every day at 2pm to talk to a specific expert, or a panel of experts. You can join us on the live webinar via Zoom and ask any questions you may have for our team, or the expert panel. If you are unable to join us for the live session we will be recording and posting these sessions on our podcast (Itunes & Spotify) and our YouTube channel.

For a schedule of topics and experts, please visit our website.