Business Continuity Tips in the Face of COVID-19 | HaneyBiz Daily Webinar Series

Apr 03, 2020, 04:27 PM

This isn't the first big crisis (or even pandemic) that Nora O'Brien and her team at Connect Consulting have helped to navigate companies through.  We are so lucky she joined up to share her knowledge and expertise with you.  Her message: This is a “marathon” not a sprint” and there's a lot to be done in order to not only protect our businesses but to take care of ourselves and our teams.

We talked about:
WHO Pandemic Phases and key action steps for your business, staff, and community for each pandemic phase
Business Continuity Tips on how to survive COVID-19 and thrive post pandemic 
How to develop an incident command system to guide your business’ COVID-19 Response and Recovery efforts

AND, she's made the generous offer to the Haney Biz community for their Pandemic Planning Guide and free 30 minute consultation.  So, join us on the webinar to get details!