After the Earthquake

Sep 23, 2015, 12:00 AM

"Many of those parents who did arrive with their children were carrying Geiger counters. Before each match, they would hastily walk over the pitch to take measures of the air at grass level."
In Episode Five of the Blizzard Podcast we look back at Javier Sauras and Felix Lill's 'After the Earthquake', and how football is playing its part in rebuilding the shattered communities around Fukushima, first published in Issue Sixteen.
To suggest an article you'd like to hear in Episode Six, email by Monday 28th September, and we'll pick one lucky winner out of the metaphorical hat.
Issue Sixteen, like all issues of the Blizzard, is available on a pay-what-you-like basis from Digital downloads cost as little as a 1p each (RRP £3), while print versions are available from £6 + postage (RRP £12). You can also find us on the Kindle and Google Play stores.