Exploring: Lucidus and Dubius (Fragments)

Episode 147,   Apr 18, 2020, 07:57 AM

A first read and discussion of the dialogue Lucidus and Dubius.

From the Winchester Dialogues this is a read through and discussion of Lucidus and Dubius, written sometime in the midst of the 15th century. There's some question as to whether this is actually a performed play, but we take it on principle that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's a firking duck. Though there is no plot exactly, there is a relationship between the characters that develops and we had a lot more fun with this than expected. The read through is with Beyond Shakespeare Irregular Alan Scott and host Robert Crighton.
The only copy we can find online can be viewed here - https://medievalit.com/home/edrama/morality-plays/lucidus-and-dubius/
Otherwise you'll need to hunt out a rare as hens teeth edition of The Winchester Dialogues. Good luck with that.
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