What Would it Take to Make You Pivot?

Apr 24, 2020, 11:00 AM

Global impact requires taking huge action. There is no one better suited to sharing her whirlwind journey into entrepreneurship than Tess Kossow. She has touched the lives of families all over the world and is hoping to re-write some of the negative thoughts and emotions that surround infertility. Listen in as she shares why she went all in from the get-go, where her courage came from, and the lessons she’s learned along the way.

*We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.*

Global impact requires taking huge action. There is no one better suited to sharing her whirlwind journey into entrepreneurship than Tess Kossow, author of I’m Very Ferris. After struggling with infertility and choosing to try In Vitro, Tess realized that the story of where babies come from is being re-written. 

She wanted to provide families who have struggled with infertility, who then had their miracle child, with a resource to explain their journey. When her son gets older and asks where babies come from, she wants to be able to tell him his story.

Tess was in a steady career and just had her son when she had a now or never moment and took the plunge. She quit her corporate job and went all in on becoming an author. She did the research, built the website, learned the ins and outs of marketing a book, all while writing. 

The result? A children’s book, told from a child’s perspective, explaining how a baby born from in vitro fertilization came to be. She has touched the lives of families all over the world and is hoping to re-write some of the negative thoughts and emotions that surround infertility.

Listen in as she shares why she went all in from the get-go, where her courage came from, and the lessons she’s learned along the way. 

Show Notes:
  • [02:51] Welcome Tess Kossow to chat about making big changes in life and business.
  • [05:22] How did Tess start on her entrepreneurial journey?
  • [06:35] Learn the ways Tess tackled all the different aspects of building a business. 
  • [08:09] Has the pandemic created new challenges for Tess and her business? 
  • [10:43] Which social platforms are the most helpful for authors and entrepreneurs? 
  • [12:52] What makes a great relationship? 
  • [15:54] Have there been learning moments along the journey? 
  • [19:15] Where does Tess’s strength and courage come from? 
  • [22:39] Listen as Tess shares her advice on making a big change. 
  • [26:48] Connect with Tess.
Links and Resources:

Tess’s Website

Tess on InstagramTess on LinkedIn

Tess on Facebook

I’m Very Ferris by Tess KossowI’m Very Ferris via YouTube

Episode Sponsor: Routledge