081. How do you Innovate During a Crisis?

Episode 81,   May 12, 2020, 06:00 AM

We are living in interesting and difficult times. Everyone’s personal and business life has been turned upside down by COVID-19 pandemic to varying degrees.  

We don’t yet know the full impact of this crisis. But its already been devastating to large numbers of people around the world and has had a significant impact on many businesses and supply chains. All of us are learning to adapt to a new way of living and working.  

On the other side of the coin, studies have shown that more innovation happens during economically challenging periods.  We’ve already seen alcohol manufacturers making hand sanitizer and Mercedes  & McLaren Formula One teams using its engineering expertise to make ventilators. 

Tony Banta is a systems engineer, innovation consultant, and host of the Client Whisperer Show. Beginning his career as a self-taught software developer, Tony quickly realized that the best code could never solve broader leadership issues within organisations. Today Tony works with other client-businesses to maximise client results, increase client retention, and streamline the client fulfillment experience. Tony’s writing has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, and Recruiter Magazine to name a few.

He shares his advice for how businesses can navigate through these turbulent times and emerge  stronger than ever.

For more details on some of the topics discussed: 


For more information on Tony and his work, visit clientwhisperer.show