[Repost] Where does fat phobia come from? with Sabrina Strings, PhD

Season 1, Episode 31,   Jun 03, 2020, 04:00 AM

We've decided to hold off on posting the episode we had originally scheduled for today.

In light of recent events - the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, as well as protests against structural racism, police brutality, and injustice in response - we are instead sharing an old episode that highlights why we cannot talk about body-positivity without talking about racism.

Dr. Sabrina Strings talks us through her research on the origins of fat phobia and the thin ideal, why these phenomenona have always been tied to anti-blackness, and why the assumed connection between weight and health is built on a shaky foundation.

Get our ABC Guide to Body-Positive Parenting.

Read the full show notes here.