My Entrepreneurial Journey Part 1 - Lessons Learned Early On

Jun 10, 2020, 10:00 PM

The tables have been turned and I have found myself in the hot seat. This is the first of a four part series where my teammate Rick Spencer, HaneyBiz's Vice President, sits down to get the full story of my entrepreneurial journey. 

We go from my first entrepreneurial venture when I was a boy to vision/mission we are trying to make a reality today and everything in between. This four part series will be jammed packed full of lessons that I have learned from starting, scaling, and selling different businesses throughout my life.

This first part starts with the lessons that I learned on the baseball and football field that I have carried with me into everything I do. We then dive into the lessons that I learned during my paper route as a kid, the most important lesson I learned when working for my family business (it involves me breaking a $1000 refrigerator), and finally what I learned from making a pivot from video stores to video surveillance distribution. 

These lessons that I learned early on in life have shaped me into the entrepreneur I am today and have been a major reason for the successes I have had.

What are the most important lessons you learned early in your life that you still carry with you today?