Post COVID-19 resilience: How to be a more digitally secure charity

Episode 25,   Jun 23, 2020, 06:00 AM

More charities than ever before are embracing digital in their day-to-day working lives. However, while this is a great thing, our increased use of digital is giving way to more cybercrime and charities are still at risk.
With so many charities now relying on digital, we must be extra vigilant when it comes to cyberthreats and ensuring we are protecting the sensitive information that charities deal with on a regular basis.
As many organisations say goodbye to the office (at least for now), this episode discusses how charities can look to protect themselves in this remote environment and the steps they should be taking to ensure they are resilient. There are still threats lurking out there, and charities must be aware.

Chris Hall, Charity Digital’s Marketing Manager, is joined by Cub Llewely Davis (Charity Sector Lead from the National Centre Cyber Security) and Jan Rock (CEO and Case Manager at Matrix Neurological).