The Lifespan of a Panic Attack

Episode 3,   Jul 20, 2020, 10:21 AM

On Friday night, I experienced my first panic attack since the start of 2019. It had been such a long time since the last panic attack that it hit me harder than expected, mainly because my body was not used to the sensations. 

Although I felt extremely anxious and on edge, the following morning I decided to start recording my reaction in an attempt to help document the recovery process and to shine a light on what an individual goes through when experiencing a panic attack. This also includes the "post-panic attack syndrome" (an unofficial term coined by myself) which includes heavy waves of depersonalisation and derealisation, a constant state of high alert, uncomfortable physical symptoms and a feeling of existential dread and anxiety. 

Although the first recording was fairly morbid, the second recording was a lot more positive and optimistic. This is where I started to explain how I'd improved my mood and started to pick my life back up, only 48 hours after the initial panic attack. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with panic attacks, but I wanted to show you my journey on implementing order and stability back into my life, creating a sense of normality.