Spoilers: The Tragedy of Mariam (Act 5)
Episode 158, Jul 26, 2020, 10:15 AM
A spoilery introduction to Act 5 of The Tragedy of Mariam by Elizabeth Cary
Spoilers: The Tragedy of Mariam by Elizabeth Cary (Act 5)
Welcome to this spoiler episode for The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry by Elizabeth Cary - and it's very spoilery! The canvas has narrowed again for Act 5, as it's almost a solo turn by Herod. If it weren't for the arrival of Nuntio there would be no one else. With a plain text recording of the Act and chorus overview at the end.
In the plain text: Geir Madland as Herod and Richard Fawcett as Nuntio.
Hosted by Robert Crighton - plus Beyond Shakespeare Irregular Alan Scott looking at the Chorus.
BE WARNED - If you just want to listen to the play as a play, don't listen to the spoilers episodes. Come back later, or don't listen. However, if you find early drama hard to follow, then you will get a good grounding in the action here - especially as we may make changes or cuts for our final version! The plain text version is rough in hew, it will change and we produce it in part to hunt out errors.
Welcome to this spoiler episode for The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry by Elizabeth Cary - and it's very spoilery! The canvas has narrowed again for Act 5, as it's almost a solo turn by Herod. If it weren't for the arrival of Nuntio there would be no one else. With a plain text recording of the Act and chorus overview at the end.
In the plain text: Geir Madland as Herod and Richard Fawcett as Nuntio.
Hosted by Robert Crighton - plus Beyond Shakespeare Irregular Alan Scott looking at the Chorus.
BE WARNED - If you just want to listen to the play as a play, don't listen to the spoilers episodes. Come back later, or don't listen. However, if you find early drama hard to follow, then you will get a good grounding in the action here - especially as we may make changes or cuts for our final version! The plain text version is rough in hew, it will change and we produce it in part to hunt out errors.
You can buy soooooo many editions of this play you can buy - just google them, seriously - there are also etexts and on YouTube various other looks at the play. There will be more details coming soon for all the various links on the website, but till then...
For text, there's loads online - for example the Norton https://wwnorton.com/college/english/nael/noa/pdf/27636_17th_U03_Cary-1-51.pdf
And for your facsimile type thing something like this is out there https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.176700/page/n21/mode/2up
For text, there's loads online - for example the Norton https://wwnorton.com/college/english/nael/noa/pdf/27636_17th_U03_Cary-1-51.pdf
And for your facsimile type thing something like this is out there https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.176700/page/n21/mode/2up
If you can't wait for our production there's the video of the Royal Holloway 1995 production, directed by Elizabeth Schafer
Other online versions can and should be searched for.
Other online versions can and should be searched for.
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