How Much Do You Focus on Self-Care?

Episode 281,   Aug 07, 2020, 11:00 AM

Self-care is more than relaxing baths and pretty smelling bath salts with essential oils. It’s more than our capitalistic society has made it out to be and it honestly costs you nothing to practice. Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped to launch the concept of self-care. Listen as she shares why you need to start making small changes today. 

Back in 1992, Jennifer wrote her first book, The Woman’s Comfort Book. It was a bestseller and helped define what it meant for a woman to truly take care of herself. Since then she has written several more books, created women’s retreats and writers’ retreats, and dedicated her life to helping others realize the importance of their own care. 

Jennifer says the most important thing to remember is that while a bubble bath and a spa day is nice, self-care starts with that glass of water you skipped, the supplements you forgot, the stretch breaks that never happen. To truly take care of yourself you have to take care of the body you’ve been given.

This isn’t an easy process. This also isn’t something you do overnight. We are wired to want to do the work we love. We are wired to take care of our families, our friends, our coworkers, and everyone who becomes an integral part of our circle. But you can’t take care of them if you don’t take care of you first. 

Jennifer shares some amazing tips and advice on how you can start on the journey of self-care today. Most importantly, give yourself grace to fail. You aren’t going to wake up tomorrow with a perfect schedule and the perfect new routine. Just make small changes one step at a time and see how much better your life and relationships become.

Show Notes:
  • [01:32] Self-care is extremely important. Especially in times like these. 
  • [02:40] Welcome Jennifer Louden to chat about self-care. 
  • [03:14] Why did she choose this path? 
  • [05:26] How can you start on the path to proper self-care? 
  • [07:47] Does technology play a part in our ability to properly care for ourselves? 
  • [09:54] What stops us from truly taking care of ourselves? 
  • [12:20] Are small rewards effective in helping us to keep up better habits? 
  • [13:33] What are Jennifer’s retreats like? 
  • [15:08] Is there any way to keep the feeling one gets at a retreat? 
  • [17:21] Has Jennifer had any uh-oh moments that have helped her grow? 
  • [19:38] Does she experience any challenges in her life and business? 
  • [22:14] Listen as Jennifer shares a bit of parting advice. 
  • [23:27] Connect with Jennifer.
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