When Western Medicine Meets Eastern Medicine w/ Dr. Stephanie Burgos

Season 3, Episode 10,   Aug 11, 2020, 01:33 PM

In today’s episode we sit down with Dr. Stephanie Burgos, an Emergency Medicine physician with a passion for eastern medicine.  We can't speak for everyone, but we think it's safe to say people are now afraid to go to hospitals, much less visit the emergency rooms because of the C-word (COVID-19). Physicians like Dr. Stephanie are amongst the frontline workers and they see everything…..and we mean EVERYTHING! But, is the emergency room the right place for you to go during a pandemic?  If you have the flu, a deep cut, or a fracture should you go to the ER or is urgent care a better option? In today's podcast episode we invited Dr. Stephanie to speak to us about emergency medicine 101, the strangest things she's seen in her career, why she views foods as medicine and what she believes everyone should know about their health and wellness during this time.

Dr. Stephanie Burgos
IG: @healthyerdoc
FB: Healthyer Doc
Twitter: @healthyerdoc
Website: www.healthyerdoc.com

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Website: www.kimrosedietitian.com
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