Personal Sport Record | Matt Young

Episode 69,   Aug 31, 2020, 05:13 AM

This episode of the Love What You Play podcast features Matt Young for a second time. Matt is the founder of Personal Sport Record, an organization that puts complete performance data directly into athletes', parents', coaches' and sport organizations’ hands to measure progress, identify opportunities and inform decision making. He is a passionate health, recreation and sport leader who believes that supporting quality athletic achievement is good for our children, communities and society. You can learn more about Personal Sport Record and Matt Young here:

Table of Contents

0:00 - Introduction

1:00 - Personal Sport Record update

4:30 - The importance of Personal Sport Record

8:00 - Reporting abuse

11:00 - Physical education

19:00 - LTAD

24:30 - Holding leaders accountable

30:00 - What kids want

35:00 - 60 minutes a day

44:00 - Making a difference

46:00 - The Cost of Winning documentary

47:00 - Winning at all costs

54:00 - Quality sport experiences

55:00 - Conclusion/looking forward

The interview featured on this episode of the Love What You Play podcast originally debuted on the For the Love of the Game free spring Virtual Summit 2020. To learn more about our upcoming summits and events with featured speakers, head to