Street Sharks - Sharkbait

Aug 22, 2020, 02:00 PM

Immortan Hoof and Dave get in the shark cage as they review the first episode of the most extreme cartoon ripoff of all time: Street Sharks!

The 1990s proved to be an interesting transition for pop culture. CGI started to replace practical effects in our summer blockbusters, things went from being “radical” to totally “as if!”, and kids cartoons would ditch family friendly sensibilities and go hardcore to the ex-treeeeeme. And among all of these roided out muscle freaks, there are perhaps none more jawsome than the half man/half shark superheroes, the Street Sharks!

I’m your host, David Snider, and joining me for the first in an epic trilogy of jawsomness is Ruler of the Wasteland, Patron of the Animated Arts, and a Dr. Piranoid sympathiser, Immortan Hoof.

Listen as we discuss the only cartoon to have the Vin Diesel seal of approval; Hoof and I share amazement over the shocking brutality and Cronenberg-esque body horror on display; and finally, Hoof and I butt heads as I call out Street Sharks as a blatant ripoff of the vastly superior Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Saturday Morning Apocalypse will be right back with more Street Sharks in…”Sharkbite”.