Richard Ovenden - A History of Knowledge Under Attack

Season 1, Episode 50,   Oct 01, 2020, 09:56 PM

Richard Ovenden is arguably the world's most famous librarian, presiding over the Oxford University's Bodleian, a sprawling collection of manuscripts and artefacts that represent the evolution of culture through the ages.
In this episode he travels 3000 years from the dawn of literature to the present day, from donkeys on clay tablets to donkeys leading parliament; an age of digital abundance where information storage and exploitation trumps knowledge preservation and truth - unless of course we are prepared to do something about it.

We celebrate our 50th episode with Richard Ovenden, the director of the world famous Bodleian Library in Oxford. He reveals how knowledge has been attacked (and preserved) through the ages, telling us a great deal about culture, society and civilisation in every century, including our own.
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