Buddhist Economics, Part 1 - Pre-Pandemic (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 33)
Episode 410, Oct 08, 2020, 03:47 PM
A passionate two-part exploration of how Buddhist approaches to community might help transform the economics of our time.
We're back with the first episode in a two-part conversation about what Buddhism has to say to 21st C. economics in the wake of populist political tides, globalization and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vaddhaka is the author of The Buddha On Wall Street, a Buddhist critique of Neo-Liberal notions of capitalism. Expect a stirring, provocative discussion around the state of western democracies in relation to economics, and the hope offered by community-led responses to the despair felt by many around the world who feel left behind.
How can Buddhism respond to inequality, the need for social justice, poverty and class differences? What does the history of "free-thinking British Socialism" have to tell us today? And how might we move towards an economics of wellbeing?
Featured this week
The Buddha On Wall Street by Vaddhaka Linn
Listen to a mini-series of podcasts on The Buddha On Wall Street
Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered by E. F. Schumacher.
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Anne Case and Angus Deaton
The economic philosophy of John Maynard Keynes
Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.
Come meditate with us any week day!
Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.
#coronavirus #Covid19 #crisis #pandemic #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha #economics #economy #money #democracy #Socialism #NeoLiberalism #wellbeing #kindness #Capitalism
Vaddhaka is the author of The Buddha On Wall Street, a Buddhist critique of Neo-Liberal notions of capitalism. Expect a stirring, provocative discussion around the state of western democracies in relation to economics, and the hope offered by community-led responses to the despair felt by many around the world who feel left behind.
How can Buddhism respond to inequality, the need for social justice, poverty and class differences? What does the history of "free-thinking British Socialism" have to tell us today? And how might we move towards an economics of wellbeing?
Featured this week
The Buddha On Wall Street by Vaddhaka Linn
Listen to a mini-series of podcasts on The Buddha On Wall Street
Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered by E. F. Schumacher.
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Anne Case and Angus Deaton
The economic philosophy of John Maynard Keynes
Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.
Come meditate with us any week day!
Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.
#coronavirus #Covid19 #crisis #pandemic #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha #economics #economy #money #democracy #Socialism #NeoLiberalism #wellbeing #kindness #Capitalism